Archangel Jophiel - Beauty

Archangel Jophiel reminds us to clear the chatter from our minds. She helps us to see the beauty in our lives.

Greetings. I am Jophiel. I am here to talk about beauty. There is beauty in everything, my dears. Every emotion, thought, action and decision. Now, I know you will immediately think that so many people can and will display actions that would no way be deemed beautiful. There is much cruelty that exists in your world. Where am I going with this, you ask? The beauty comes in your reactions. Yes, at first, the cruelty stings. You wonder why this is happening. You are a good person. You try to do you and be your best. And then someone comes along and hits you with something particularly cruel. It often will take you by surprise even if this person has exhibited this type of cruelty before. You feel the sting. You retreat. Perhaps you reach out for some guidance. You sit with it. And then, you realize, this does’t belong to me. This is not mine. Ah! The beauty is in the knowing that you can release this cruelty. You can ask it to be transmuted into love. You can know that this story does not define you. Therein lies the beauty. The knowing, that when you sink into your heart and truly examine this information, it is here to teach you that it does’t belong to you. So, in my round about way, you can see that there is beauty in every action. The beauty happens in that moment when you return yourself to love. I know that you feel this in your heart. Let that feeling grow and encompass you. Take that beauty and let it lead you in strength and conviction.

I am Jophiel. See the Beauty.

March 27th, 2021


Archangel Jophiel - Inner Beauty


Archangel Jophiel - The Dance