In the fall of 2020, I began to channel Archangel Gabriel. Below you will find transmissions on subjects concerning self love, fear, courage, living in the present, and many more. In February of 2021, this experience began to extend to transmissions from other Archangels and Ascended Beings. In all of the transmissions, I ask you to please take in what resonates with you, and leave what does not.

Beyond channeling Angels and Ascended Masters, I also channel Quantum Light Language.

Wishing you big love and huge hugs,


May 2024 Guidance from The Marions
Laurie Parente Laurie Parente

May 2024 Guidance from The Marions

When life appears to be on hold - you are in the preparation phase. You are being prepared to transform. To expand. To grow. To level up. Nurture yourself in this phase. Notice how you are treating yourself. Take stock of the basics - your sleep, your movement, what you are taking into your body on all levels - food, beverages, what you are watching, what you are listening to, what you are smelling and what you are touching.

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Angel Message
Laurie Parente Laurie Parente

Angel Message

Remember that you are in charge. You are the author of your experience. You are the painter of your canvas.

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Sharing our Light with Archangel Zadkiel
Laurie Parente Laurie Parente

Sharing our Light with Archangel Zadkiel

Your light matters. It is time to stop dimming it. Beam it out of you now. Send it where it needs to go. Share what you came here to do at this moment and be part of the ever growing solution.

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Cultivating Safety with ArchAngel Gabriel
Laurie Parente Laurie Parente

Cultivating Safety with ArchAngel Gabriel

You are living in a time of great division, polarization and chaos. There are many events occurring world wide that are leading you to feel overwhelmed and unsafe. Overwhelm and a sense of feeling unsafe come from outside of you. If you build your sense of safety on external circumstances, your safety can easily crumble.

It is now that you must reframe how you look at safety.

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2023 with The Marions
Laurie Parente Laurie Parente

2023 with The Marions

What does it mean to heal? It means to allow more of your soul light into your physical form. It means to release all that is no longer serving you. It means to claim your soul gifts, masteries and enchantments - to allow magic back into your lives. And by magic, we mean to allow the Joy, the creativity, the fun and the inspiration to fuel your lives - to allow divine knowledge to flow through you and inform you.

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Tuning in with the Marions
Laurie Parente Laurie Parente

Tuning in with the Marions

We are the Marions. A group of ascended souls who are here to be of assistance during this time of the great awareness shift on earth. Many of you are highly aware of the truth that you are a spiritual being living a human life. Many of you know that there is so much beyond your physical bodies; that you can tap into the energy stream that surrounds you and lives in you at all times.

Image by Isi Parente

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Who do you Think you are?
Laurie Parente Laurie Parente

Who do you Think you are?

…who you are is a bright, magical, expansive, incredible, fantastic light of love and truth. It is simple, really. Be bright. It is why you are here at this moment, in this body and on this planet. This is your truth. And your light is sorely needed at this time.

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Peace Within
Laurie Parente Laurie Parente

Peace Within

The answers are within. It is so simple, and yet our minds make it so complex. In order to find those answers, we must allow moments of quiet. Of stillness. Of peace.

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Archangel Gabriel and  Choices
Laurie Parente Laurie Parente

Archangel Gabriel and Choices

Now comes the time when you realize that no matter what is happening externally, you have the ability to choose how you react. You are not powerless. In fact, you are more powerful than ever because you understand that your truth comes from within. You understand that your worth comes from within. You understand that your support comes from within.

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Clarity with the Marions
Laurie Parente Laurie Parente

Clarity with the Marions

We are the Marions. A group of ascended souls who are here to teach during this time of consciousness shift on the earth plane. It is our mission and desire to awaken all beings to the truth of their reality; that they are divine spiritual beings living a human experience.

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