Archangel Gabriel Transmissions - the Beginnings

In November of 2020, I began to receive messages from Archangel Gabriel. This is the first transmission that I received in the form of automatic writing. It has taken me just over two months to be at a place where I am ready to share. It felt to me at the time like a starting point to make sure that I could both receive these transmissions and be open to sharing them. I have had experiences with automatic writing before, but nothing like this. I type with my eyes closed and when the transmission is finished, I feel like I have been in a very deep meditation. I believe that there is much more than words that come through from Gabriel. As I reread this now, It feels like the most disjointed transmission. It has gotten much easier for me to relax into the process. More posts to come!

Before reading, find a quiet space and slow your breathing. Imagine that you are taking the words in through your heart.

Much love and light,


Hello. It is I, Gabriel. I am here to tell you all of the coming happenings. Let there be love. I trumpet as I say Let there be love. There will be suffering for those who do not believe in the love, but is it temporary. Take my hand and journey with me to the far away places that are assisting you during this time. The Pleiadians. They are amongst you. Many of you see them as Angels because of their tall and willowy stature. Here is the difference. The Pleiadians have eight chamber hearts. Their chambers coincide with the 8 major facets of love; forgiveness, solitude, remembrance, loyalty, authenticity, happiness, nature, and oneness. They are here to light your way. Look to them and ask them for help. They walk amongst you and are willing to show you the pathway forward. My friends, be of good counsel. Keep yourselves healthy in body and mind. Your thoughts determine which way your noses point. Find your stillness. Find your centre. Be kind. There is much to come in the near future. Much of it will not appear pretty from your perspective. Breathe, relax and know that the answers all lie within you. The light will come soon, but many people who have been conditioned in darkness will not wish to see it. It will in fact frighten them beyond measure. You are safe. 

There will be those amongst you who resist. Send them love and light. Keep the vibrations high and emit love always. The tide has shifted and the darkness is slowly waning. It will not go easily and yet in the end, it will go softly. The abruptness of its ending will surprise many and will come at a time when they no longer have hope. Never lose hope. The new era will be one of laughter and light. Equality and knowledge. Learning and integration. Do not despair. Keep the candle burning. Nourish yourselves with rest and nutrition. Take time to be alone. Harness the power of your thoughts and your energy. Be aware of what takes you out of your zone. It is all an illusion. Soon, Gods and Saints will walk amongst you. For those who are aware, it will be a celebration. For those who have been shrouded in darkness due to their circumstances and choices, it will be frightening. Teach them about love and light. Teach them about the truth of your being. Fully human and fully divine. For all who call to me, I will readily plant the seed of love in their hearts. Call to me when you need help to tend to that seed. It is my great pleasure to facilitate its growth, its care and its harvest of the bountiful fruit of love. Be ready. Be able  Listen. You are all the creator’s light and you are all steeped in shadow. Shadow is neither good nor bad, it is experience. Experience is what you came here for. 

Archangel Gabriel

Nov 30th, 2020


Archangel Gabriel Transmissions - the second