Archangel Gabriel Transmissions - the second

This is the second transmission that came through in early December. Like the first one, it feels like a general message to me. Again to ready me for the more specific ones that came later.

I want to speak to the lonely. To those who are feeling unworthy. To those who are lacking self confidence and to those who feel stuck in their present circumstances. To those who are grieving circumstances and to those who mourn a loved one. I blanket you with love and care. There are seeds of love in your heart that are so big, your brain cannot imagine what you are capable of accomplishing in this world. Do not be afraid to love fully, deeply and authentically. Show your true selves and be real. Your bodies are holding much energy. Let the energy grow in love and peace. You have lately been infused with love so great, you are barely able to imagine it. Do not be surprised if you need more rest and alone time to integrate this .You have been taught for so long that you must contain yourself. No longer. Let the love flow from your boundaries and let it touch all who need it. I know you have all felt your energy and love growing. I go before you and pave the way. There is enough room in this world for all of your lights to shine bright and brighter and brighter. Daily bring your light to all situations.There is no longer a need to contain anything about yourselves. 

I wish to tell you that all is well. That the collective life force on this planet is unfolding in a way that has been foretold. Be calm dear ones. This is the reason you are all here. Soon the ancient sights will reveal their mysteries and you will not be surprised. You hold the knowledge in your hearts and always have. The so called mystery schools are correct. There is a large house on your planet that holds many of the ancient writings. In those writings, mankind will find its future. Search and question and find your lights along the way. Go within often and then rise together.

The skies, nature, mountains and seas are your refuge. Be in nature often for it fills you all. When one of you fills your well, you do it for the others as well.  In due time, you will begin to communicate with all of nature. Once you look past your conditioning, you will easily see and hear the heartbeats of all energetic beings. Their words will easily come to you. Look and tune in always. Listen and you will hear.

(Then the humour came in)

I am Gabriel and I approve this message.

Dec 2/2020


Archangel Gabriel Transmissions - The Beauty of Life


Archangel Gabriel Transmissions - the Beginnings