Archangel Haniel - Gifts and Talents

Archangel Haniel is associated with the moon. She can bring a tide of change that effects our entire way of being. She helps us to see our gifts and talents.

In order to come into your gifts and talents - that which lights you up and that which you will shine on others to light them up - you need to first feel all of your emotions. Feeling your emotions is healthy and natural. When emotions are suppressed or worse - repressed - they stick to you like glue. They impede your growth. Emotions are energy in motion. They are meant to be felt. Truly felt and then released. Question them. What are you here to teach me? Feel them. What have I learned? And then release. Thank them. Always express them in healthy ways towards others. Remember that people who act out in hurt, hurt others. Take the time to truly process your emotions. Each time you are truly authentic with yourself and your experiences, you open yourself up to higher learning and advancement. This is when your gifts and talents truly begin to shine. You are here for a purpose. And that purpose is love. Unconditional love for self and others through it all.

Be honest with yourself. Honour how you feel so you can then come into alignment with who you truly are. Then you will unlock your empathetic and intuitive abilities to new levels of understanding and grace.

I am Haniel and I wish you Love and Grace.

March 27th, 2021


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