Archangel Orion - Visualization

Archangel Orion helps us to see the big picture while watching the details fall into place.

Visualize yourself surrounded by stars and know that you are connected with everything. All is one. When you wish upon a star, you are connecting yourself to powerful manifesting opportunities. Align your heart, your beliefs, your values and your emotions with your wish. As long as what you wish for is in the name of love, all will be provided. 

Creating the life you deserve is not out of your hands. It is in your hands. First, believe it is true. All that you need will be made manifest. You are worthy of this. There is nothing wrong with you and there never was. You are on a journey. Open your hearts to the wisdom that all is well and you are in exactly the right place. Step forward confidently knowing that you are supported in your dreams and desires. Your thoughts and beliefs create your reality. As the keeper of these, you have the ability to manifest  all that will support you on your journey. Let go of the fear, the belief that you are not good enough, the regret, the guilt, the blame and the victim mentality. It is all in the past and you truly deserve a life where your thoughts no longer torture you regarding what has passed. You are here. You are now. You are capable of creating your heart’s desires.

I am Orion and I see you.

March 27th, 2021


Archangel Jophiel - Doubt


Archangel Haniel - Gifts and Talents