Archangel Jeremial - Forgiveness

I have often worked with Archangel Jeremial when forgiveness is needed. This is the first time that Jeremial came through with a transmission about forgiveness. I am deeply honoured to be the conduit for this message.

I am Jeremiel and I would like to speak to you of forgiveness. There are many many things that are either held onto by you or are holding on to you. You have heard it said that forgiveness is not about the other person, it is about you. Learning to truly forgive frees you from energy that is holding you back from your best and highest purpose. When you forgive someone’s actions, words or deeds - or lack of any of the these - you are able to let go of the energy that is binding you to that person. Forgiveness never condones their actions. It never means that you need to resume relations with someone who has wronged you, stepped over your boundaries, or hurt someone that you love. It doesn’t mean that they “get away” with their behaviour. It does mean, however, that you will no longer hold onto what has happened. 

So much of forgiveness is actually about self forgiveness. When something happens to you (or I would say for you), you often will beat yourself up after. Why did I allow this to happen? What was I thinking in letting go of my boundaries and allowing this person or situation to treat me this way? This is often a situation that you have been in before and you can’t believe that it has happened yet again. Are you beginning to understand where self forgiveness comes in to play in the situation? Rather than spending time reliving what happened and thinking of all the ways you should have done better, what would happen if you loved yourself through it? If you said, this has happened. I allowed this to happen. Breathe. I am ok. This does not define me. This is not my story. I can release this and return to the love in my heart. There is great power in “I forgive me”. 

Now let us turn this situation to the other person. They said this. They did this. They hurt me or someone I love. Why? You heard their story. You heard their words or witnessed their actions. But… do you live in their heart? No. Can you honestly say that you know their motivations, history or mindset? No. As you read this, take a moment. Sink into your heart and think of one person that you are having a difficult time forgiving. Now, see them as a spirit having a human experience. A complicated, messy and often unconscious experience. Is holding onto whatever it is doing either of you any good? I forgive you. You know not the extent of what you have done. I forgive me for allowing this situation in my life. I forgive us and I wish us both well on this human journey. May you be well loved, especially by yourself. 

Imagine the situation being removed from your body. Imagine it floating away and imagine only love existing from your heart to theirs. In this manner, you can take your lessons and move forward unencumbered by anything being tethered to your soul. This is the power of forgiveness. You do it for you. You do it because you love yourself and you want to be whole. 

I am Jeremiel. All is forgiven as soon as you say it is so. 

Feb 21st, 2021


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