Archangel Gabriel Transmissions - Listening for Guidance

I love the simplicity of this message. Often, we are really good at asking, but we forget to slow down and listen. A good message for us all.

I would like to speak to you of the searching for meaning. I see  this so much in your world. The last year has brought many to a place for a longing for answers. The searching for what is truly happening and why. In the history of your world, I have come to offer great and  what would be considered overwhelming announcements. You hold in high esteem those who took my announcements without question. I know you understand me when I speak of these great announcements. 

What I would like you to consider, is that I am making these suggestions and announcements to anyone who seeks. If you ask, I will give you guidance. The issue lies int he fact that most times, you are not hearing me. You ask for guidance and then you do not take the time to listen. If asking is speaking, then hearing is taking the time to listen. You would be surprised how many of my announcements go unheard. If you are searching or seeking, allow the listening. Not to worry, it does not take long. Just a moment of you checking in with your heart, and you will hear. Trust what you hear. It is for your best and highest good. 

When you experience guidance. It will be simple. And it will feel like peace and love. As you search for meaning, it will come to you one step at a time. Guidance is for the here and now. If you find yourself wanting a step by step solution, ask one step at a time.

I am Gabriel. Remember to ask.

February 21st, 2021


Archangel Jeremial - Forgiveness


Archangel Gabriel Transmissions - Courage