Archangel Orion - Wishes

Archangel Orion, whose name means “Rising in the Sky” is the Archangel of the Stars. The gateway that connects us with the power of the Universe. He is dedicated to wishes and the power of manifestation.

Wishing on a Star

A Wishing Well

A coin in the fountain

Birthday Candles






What do these all have in common? WISHES. 

I am here to tell you that wishes are not childish. They are not frivolous. They are not silly or undeserved in any way. They are the callings of your soul. Every time a wish is made, you are hearing the calling of your purpose. You are drawing down the energy of the universe and unlocking your potential. Call upon me when you want to make your dreams a reality. I am a keeper of the wishing stars in Orion’s belt. Find me. Seek me out and wish for what lights you up. The night sky is lit by all of your wishes. They are waiting for you to manifest them into reality. The mission of this time is for each of you to find your light, shine bright and pass that light to others as a torch. Remember that your light does not dim when you pass it on, instead it grows stronger. 

Wish and believe. I am here to help.

I am Orion. I am powerful. You have the ability, the right and the need to call on me now. 

I am of the stars and I bring the stars each one of you when you are ready.

Archangel Orion.

March 20th, 2021


Archangel Jophiel - The Dance


Archangel Transmissions - Haniel on Loneliness