Archangel Transmissions - Haniel on Loneliness

Archangel Haniel, whose name means “The Grace of God” helps us to honour the grace within and trust that our sensitivity is a gift. Haniel helps us to know that we need to learn how to hear ourselves, our Angels, and our divine helpers.

You are lonely my dears. You are all feeling the stark loneliness of not being with your people. Of not being free to do as you wish. Of feeling locked down and locked out of your lives. You have had much time to release your fears and your anger over the current systems in place. Yes, this is difficult.

Emotions are here to teach you and for you to learn. Once you learn and integrate the lessons, let go of the emotions and return yourself to the state of love. It is in the returning that you let go. Your life is about that constant returning. You feel. You question. You process. You learn. You integrate. You return to love. Repeat. It is actually a beautiful system. Once you know that you will always have the ability to return to love no matter what has befallen you, you can take comfort in the knowledge that even though you may be in a dark cave of emotion at this moment, you will eventually return to love. This is more than hope. It is the complete trust in the process. It is why you are here. To learn. To be. To trust and to love.

Many feel that it is trite to say “you are never alone”. You truly never are. You have more support than you can possible imagine. The trick is to not only know it, but to feel it. In order to feel it, you must connect with your inner wisdom and your guidance. Prayer and Meditation. Quiet and stillness. Connection and inner wisdom. A daily practice is necessary in order to tune in and truly feel the guidance. It is not enough to know that you are guided, you do need to find a way to truly feel it. You are worthy of this knowledge. It is your birthright. Learning how does not need to be difficult. Open yourself up to the wisdom of guidance and your life will change for the better. 

Trust in your wisdom and your guidance.

I am Haniel. Trust.

March 20th, 2021.


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