May 2024 Guidance from The Marions

The following channelled message came through me in the early morning of May 14th, 2024. It is from my Guides, The Marions.

When life appears to be on hold - you are in the preparation phase. You are being prepared to transform. To expand. To grow. To level up. Nurture yourself in this phase. Notice how you are treating yourself. Take stock of the basics - your sleep, your movement, what you are taking into your body on all levels - food, beverages, what you are watching, what you are listening to, what you are smelling and what you are touching. Surround yourself with kindness, softness, and compassion.

Who are you relating to and what do these relations look like? Are they expansive or contractive? What is the quality of your thoughts? Are they expansive or contractive? What about the environment that you spend most of your time in? Is it nurturing or are there some harsh elements? Take stock without judgment - simply observe. When you find ways to alter certain stimuli to be more supportive and expansive, celebrate what you noticed and then choose something (or someone) more supportive. Be honest with yourself and honour yourself.

While your mind may tend to look back and judge all that has come before, remind yourself that you would not be in the here and now without all that has happened. While we cannot change the past, for it happened as it did, we can change our perspective. You did the best you could in the moment with the knowledge and emotional intelligence that you had at the time.

When we deeply feel ourselves let go, the past becomes a remembrance; a place of neutral thoughts where we no longer send our energy to the past by wishing it could somehow have been different. These neutral thoughts allow us to be in the present. We can say to ourselves, yes, that happened, and yet, I am here - in this place, in this moment. My power is in the now. I am choosing this moment to create and I am experiencing so much love for who I am in this now moment. How do I choose to feel? To act? To relate to others?

For now, we would like to offer you a challenge. Try this the next time you are about to be around a group of people. Bring in a truly delightful memory. Something that lights you up and fills you with wonder, gratitude and love. Notice how this feels in your body. Imagine the frequency of this feeling as a colour. Fill your body and your energetic bodies with this colour. Hold it.

Now, as you go about your day, imagine sending this colour to everyone you encounter. Ask your Angels to remind you when to replenish this colour within your body and auric field as the day progresses. Agree upon a sign that they will send to you.

Take notice of not only how you feel during the day, but also note your reactions to others and their reactions to you. If you can quickly jot down notes during your day, it will be easier for you to take a review at the end of the day.

With much love,

The Marions.

I so love this assignment!

I would love to hear about your experiences at the end of your ‘Day of Colour’.

Fill me in on your big and small moments!

Feel free to email me at

Big Love and Huge Hugs,

Laurie 😇


Angel Message