2023 with The Marions

A Message from the Marions - January 2nd, 2023.

As many of you have noticed or “felt” (with a buzzing or ringing energy), there is an energy about the planet that is very expansive and healing at this time. You may be feeling more emotional and more available for your authentic and genuine thoughts and feelings. You may also have a clear knowing of what situations / people you truly resonate with - and with this you may be noticing how some people and activities have naturally fallen away from your lives because they no longer resonate with who you are at this moment in time. There is a call for old behaviours, patterns, and traumas to be released in order to open space for more love, more embodiment and more heart centred living. From January to March of this year, you are being called to heal.

What does it mean to heal? It means to allow more of your soul light into your physical form. It means to release all that is no longer serving you. It means to claim your soul gifts, masteries and enchantments - to allow magic back into your lives. And by magic, we mean to allow the Joy, the creativity, the fun and the inspiration to fuel your lives - to allow divine knowledge to flow through you and inform you.

On a collective level, you have all been through and witnessed so many emotions in the last three years. Many of your lives have been filled with the notion of both “good” and “bad” emotions. We say that emotions are neither good nor bad, although they do vary in intensity and in time, and yet, they are all your teachers. They are the most interesting part of the human existence. Emotions are meant to be felt, acknowledged and released. For example, if you suddenly find yourself angry and the anger is really sitting in your gut, question it. What is this about? Is there an underlying sadness or grief or disenchantment that this anger is bringing to the surface for you? How can you look at that sadness or grief or disenchantment and allow it to inform you? What is it asking you to release in order to open more space up for your expanding knowing of who you are, what you are here to do and what you stand for at this time in your life? As another example, if you find yourself feeling great Joy when you are walking through nature or connecting with an old friend, observe that Joy. Where do you feel it in your body and in noticing it, what is this Joy telling you? Joy is the highest indicator of you being in flow with your true heart’s desires.

At this time, you are all being called to move more into connection with yourself and with others. In the past three years, there has been a great time of separation that has allowed many of you to really get in touch with your hearts - some of you for the first time in your lives and some of you have formed a deeper and more loving connection with yourselves than you ever thought possible; you are truly able to love and accept yourselves for who you are in this exact moment. On the other hand, if self-love  seems like a tall order for you, then the time has come to allow your heart to expand and to find that love of self that is so crucial in the embodiment of who you are and why you are here.

These first three months of 2023 will give you the opportunity to release all that no longer serves you with so much more gentleness and ease. Now is the time. Give yourself the gift of starting 2023 with a clear heart, clear intentions and a knowing that you are stepping into co-creating a life that will be pure magic.

Spend time listening to your heart. Develop or deepen your daily practice of listening to Guidance - whatever that means to you. Find what works for you. Find what feels good to your heart. There are so many opportunities and methods for healing and growth available for you at this time. Be prepared to work with a variety of methods and teachers. Allow your own heart to be your greatest teacher - allow it to lead you to opportunities that feel in alignment with who you are and who you are becoming.

With great peace, love and understanding, we see the opportunity these next three months hold for all of you to expand into your authenticity with Joy and Love.

We thank you for this opportunity.

The Marions.

January 2nd, 2023.

If you are feeling called to learn more about Healing, click the link below!


Cultivating Safety with ArchAngel Gabriel


Tuning in with the Marions