Tuning in with the Marions

We are the Marions. A group of ascended souls who are here to be of assistance during this time of the great awareness shift on earth. Many of you are highly aware of the truth that you are a spiritual being living a human life. Many of you know that there is so much beyond your physical bodies; that you can tap into the energy stream that surrounds you and lives in you at all times. Some call this intuition, some calls it vibes, some call it guidance. It is truly your sixth sense - your innate psychic abilities. Until recently, your planet and your culture have collectively agreed to become numb to these abilities. Now, so many of you are awakening to the truth. The truth is that you can sense information from many different sources - Your Higher Self, Angels, Guides, Mentors, Teachers, Spirits and so many more. This energy does not align with your thoughts - with your mental brains. Instead, it aligns with your feeling bodies - your emotional bodies and centres in your hearts. It is now time for your hearts to lead. In order to for your hearts to lead, you must learn how to tune into the energetic information you are receiving.

To get in tune with this guidance, it is first necessary to notice where you feel sensations in your body. Tuning into guidance means listening with your whole bodies to the subtle changes in energy. In order to do this, you must train your body to get quiet and be present. It will be very difficult for you to tune into guidance when your mental chatter is ongoing. Learn to breathe deeply and still yourself. Learn to sit for two minutes and concentrate on your breath. Discover how to tune out distractions during this time. Once you can easily sit in silence for two minutes, start to increase your time. You will know what works for you. Is it five minutes? Ten? Twenty?

Once you learn how to be still and be present, you will start to notice sensations in and on your body. Pay attention to these sensations. Where do you feel them? On the top of your head? Your back? In your gut? Just notice. Do you ears ring? Do you feel Angel bumps on your skin? Do you have a heavy feeling in your feet or legs? Do you feel energy coming out of your hands? Notice. Write down all the sensations that you are feeling. Be curious and truly listen to your body. You may be amazed by the number of sensations that you are feeling as you begin to tune into energy. If you are not feeling any sensations, bypass your thinking brains by asking yourself, “what if I could feel sensations on my body and if I could, how would that feel?”

The next step is to look deeper into each sensation. Take them one at a time. Ask for Guidance as to what this sensation means for you. Learning to develop your capacity to tune into these sensations takes time, effort and consistency. Once you have an understanding of a sensation, move on to another. Start to build a library of sensations and what they mean for you. This will be very individual. Just as you see and hear things in your own unique way, you will sense and discover things in your own unique way as well.

What will these abilities mean for you in your life going forward? It will give you the ability to see beyond the physical world. To sense what people are feeling, thinking and knowing; to be able to look beyond the surface of conversations and situations. This is a keen knowing that all of you can have in your lives. This knowing will lead to more calm, more peace, more genuine connections, and less worry and over- thinking. It leads you to a life lived in the present moment without spending time over thinking the past or worrying about the future; to be present is to know the magic of the moment. As you develop your psychic abilities, you will find that there will be a dramatic change in your level of self-love. When you rely on information that is coming through you and to you, you see that there is no need for external validation in your life. You begin to see yourself as a glorious spirit having a human journey. And as such, you are beautiful. You are love itself.

These feelings of self-worth and self-love will allow you to release all of your “not good enoughs”, your past missteps and your limiting beliefs about yourself and others. You will begin to see people in a different light, and you will go forward with the knowledge that you are enough. Your voice matters. Your light is bright and it is needed in this world.

We realize that this much information to take in at one time. Spend time with this transmission and be curious. Be excited. Question everything. And be kind to yourself. As you open to your psychic abilities, often energy that has been stored in your body needs to release. This is what we call, “up and out energy”, try not to pay too much attention to it if you are overwhelmed with emotion. Thank it for coming up and allow it to release. It is truly ready to go. If you need a visual, think of it like removing sludge from a drain. It is not serving any purpose and it does not need to be analyzed. Instead, it is ready to be flushed away and treated by your water facilities. This is the same with energy that is ready to be released from your body, let it go and see it washed away to Mother Earth where it will be transmuted back to love.

If what we are saying seems frightening or unfamiliar to you, take a moment to look back on your life and see the times that you were clearly guided. That you just knew something to be true even though you had no evidence of this truth. Now, what if, you could sense this type of guidance in every moment? How would that make you feel? It would be exciting. And perhaps a little bit uncomfortable at first.  Know that it is your curiosity that will propel you on this journey. It is the excitement that will build as you experience more and more of your true nature. You are not here alone. You have help in all areas. Begin to notice the sensations and what they mean to you and then notice how this trust in your psychic senses grows and how you feel. It is the feeling that matters - not the thoughts. Let your thoughts know that from now on, your feelings will take precedence. Honestly, your thoughts are ready for the rest.

We are the Marions and we delight in this time of conversation.

July 20th, 2022

Channeled by Laurie Parente

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2023 with The Marions


Who do you Think you are?