Cultivating Safety with ArchAngel Gabriel

I am Gabriel and I wish to speak to you about coming into Presence.

In this now moment.

Being connected to your inner world.

You are living in a time of great division, polarization and chaos. There are many events occurring world wide that are leading you to feel overwhelmed and unsafe. Overwhelm and a sense of feeling unsafe come from outside of you. If you build your sense of safety on external circumstances, your safety can easily crumble.

It is now that you must reframe how you look at safety. It is not about your home or your bank account or the way you look. It is not about repetitive patterns that keep you in the known areas of your life.

Instead, it is about understanding that true safety comes from within. It comes from deeply connecting with your own sense of power, peace and calm. It is the understanding that you have the ability to remain centred no matter what is happening in your external circumstances.

This ability requires you to take full responsibility for your life, your choices, your thoughts, your behaviours, your emotions and your actions. This is no longer the time for the blame game. Or the victim game. Instead, it is the time to clearly look at all areas of your life with the understanding that you are the creator of your life.

Your thoughts create your life. What is the quality of thoughts that you wish to align with? Are you wanting to have thoughts that keep you in competition, judgment, blame, fear and the limiting thoughts about self? Or are you ready to jump ship from the old paradigm and centre your thoughts on kindness, compassion, love, connection, collaboration and genuine Joy?

You all have desires to be healthy, abundant, free from worry and genuinely in love with life. You are being called to remember your worthiness in all areas of life. It is like an ancient song that is beckoning you home; home to your hearts. What underlies all that you seek is a solid foundation of love of self. The self that is eternal. The self that knows all and is connected to all.

So how do you cultivate this sense of safety no matter what is happening? You fill your body with light. You allow that light to extend beyond your physical body and take up space. You allow this light to be as big as your dwelling. As big as your city. As big as your country. As big as the planet. And then you bring this light back into your body and you ask Mother Earth for her blessings of light and support. You ask your Spiritual Team - Angels, Guides and Loved Ones to remind you of your light whenever you need a reminder.

You practice this daily until it becomes second nature to amplify and embody your soul light. And you make decisions and choices from this space. You make decisions and choices while considering your highest good, the highest good of others and your true heart’s desires.

You stop trying to fix people. You stop giving away your power. You surround yourself with people that light you up. You make more room in your world to pursue the things that light you up. You have a daily practice where you cleanse, restore and activate your energy body.

Most of all, you release all that is no longer serving you and you understand that this will change daily. You continue to release so that you will have more room for your soul light to expand and with this expansion, you will bring things into your life that move your forward on your soul purpose.

It is about disconnecting or unplugging from the you of yesterday and plugging in daily to who you are in the right now with no shame, blame or judgements. Instead, with a grounded knowing that all that has come before this moment brought you to this moment. You get to choose. Who will you be in this moment? How will you think, behave and process your emotions?

This life is precious. You are precious. You are never alone. You are supported beyond measure. You are so much more than your mind can conceive, and yet your heart knows.  Your heart knows your power, your light, your wisdom, your potentiality and your dreams.

Get acquainted with your heart. Allow it to lead. It has an Intuition all of its own. Here you will find the safety that you seek. 

Bringing you so much love and here to assist you always,

With Love,


February 26th, 2023.

Channeled by Laurie Parente


Sharing our Light with Archangel Zadkiel


2023 with The Marions