2024 Channelled Angel Message

Dear Ones,

Change comes from within.

Life is an inside - out job.

Looking to the external for change will not bring about the solutions you are seeking for your external world is a reflection of your internal programming, stories, beliefs and values - all of which are subject to deep change as you mature and expand.

Just as we hold trauma from collective, ancestral and individual programming and stories; we also hold the joy, the peace, the love, the compassion, the knowing, the wisdom and the answers.

We hold the gifts, the keys, and the innate desire to remember who we are - divine beings who are brave enough to volunteer to be earthbound to help to usher in the great shift - to bring back online ancient wisdom and practices that will usher in a time of wondrous peace - a time of love, trust, collaboration and abundance.

Yes, you have suffered. Yes, you have done the work to release old stories, patterns and beliefs. Yes, you have learned how to allow and to surrender to your heart longings.

To open to magic.

To follow your intuition.

Yes, you have. Take a moment to truly take in all that you have expanded through.

Be authentic.

There is no role you must assume.

No more masks to wear.

Stay true to your light by defining your priorities, your values and how you honour yourself.

Focus on the right now in this moment.

Find presence in the present.

Your talents are numerous. Your gifts are strong and vibrant.

Light yourself and enjoy the fruits of your labours.

You are here.

You are love.

You are life.

You are surrounded with so much loving support. We are with you always.

Ground into the knowing that all is well with your soul.

What you have been searching for lives right in the moment in who you choose to be.

You have come so far.

So much light has been infused.

You are capable of creating so much magic.

There are massive changes ahead. Many will bring brand new situations and frequency explorations. Can you be curious and excited for the changes or will you hook into the old fear programs and get caught up in the old energies?

It is up to you. The perception that you hold regarding events will be key. Will you choose struggle and strife or will you choose to explore with excitement and flow?

You are here to be a way shower - a being of light who will allow others to see what is possible.

Many have truly forgotten that they have choice as to which frequency to hold.

Choose to be the calm in the storm.

The lighthouse.

The one who observes the chaos and yet remains centred, calm and in their power.

The one who consciously knows that everything is experience.

The one who knows to feel the joy, the bliss, the pain and the sorrow fully. The one who allows emotions to inform you and then to release them with love and gratitude.

You are magic.

You are divine.

You are worthy.

Sing your song of love.

Be well and remember that you are love and you hold the answers you are seeking.

Big Love and Huge Hugs,

Laurie Parente.


Angel Message


Sharing our Light with Archangel Zadkiel