Sharing our Light with Archangel Zadkiel

A Message from Archangel Zadkiel

This is a time of great pain on your planet. You have all recently been through so many upgrades of light codes and frequencies and this is leading to you all feeling so much more of what is happening. You are feeling the mother’s cry. The father’s anguish. The confusion and the terror of the children. The cries for help and the pain and suffering. For those who are forced to fight and those who feel they must fight because of their wounding, you are feeling it all. It is why you are unable to sleep or you are feeling sleepy all the time. Why your dreams are full of fear. Why you are riveted to the news or why you are avoiding it.  Why you are all walking around carrying the overwhelming sadness in your hearts, minds and bodies.

You are all feeling the energy of this horrific conflict. You are understanding that you are all connected and that you are all one. When a child is hurt, as a parent, you feel it. When a child is alone and frightened, you feel it. When a mother’s heart is ripped out in anguish, you feel it. When a father knows that there is nothing he can do to protect his family, you feel it.

Those of us who come to you with love at this time are also finding this so difficult to observe. We are unable to interfere and yet, we are holding the light for all of you who call upon us. It may seem counterintuitive to your logical brains, and yet, we are asking you to disconnect from the fear. The fear and the lack of love is what is driving this energy. When you hook into that fear, you amplify it. We know this is so much easier conveyed than done.

We are asking you to find the light. To find the beauty in the small moments of your day to day life. To find the spark of your divine self within. To remember your connection to love. To allow your heart light to grow and expand and to be part of the ever increasing light that will eventually envelop the lower densities that are now playing out. The time will come when the light will surpass what you refer to as “dark” energies.

Find the moments of Joy without guilt. Find the moments of beauty. Find the light and allow it to encompass the world. Send your light to every heart that needs it at this time. Allow your light to pierce their hearts and to grow in their bodies and the collective. You are so much more powerful than you know - spending five minutes a day sending your pure light to the areas of your world that are crying out in pain matters. Sending your fear and having conversations around fear and separation and fault and perpetrator / victimhood are not helpful. When you feel this arising in yourself or you witness a conversation like this, do your best to stop it and change the channel. Change your perspective on what matters and use your light to influence others to do the same.

Your light matters. It is time to stop dimming it. Beam it out of you now. Send it where it needs to go. Share what you came here to do at this moment and be part of the ever growing solution.

With much love and many blessings,

Archangel Zadkiel


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