Archangel Gabriel Transmissions - Staying in the Present Moment

This transmission is a bit different than the others. Although it speaks to the importance of living in the present moment, it does not address all of the hardships that many have endured during this time. I believe it is meant to speak to the knowing that our only true choice is how we react to what has happened (and continues to happen.) I agree with Gabriel that the only “normal” we have is in the right here and right now.

I want to talk to you about “rushing”. Many of you have been removed from what you call “the rat race” by the current health situation on your planet. Your days have been quieter. Your interactions with people have changed. You are doing so much more from your homes and you truly appreciate it when you are out in nature. And yet, there is a rush to get back to normal. I truly want you to spend some time with this notion. When you were rushing from your job to your appointments and then cramming in your social life, were you taking care of yourself? Perhaps you were having fun with experiences and enjoying some laughs, but did it always feel like you had to get to the next appointment or place? When you finished spending time with people, did you truly have time to reflect, or were you saying “what is next on my agenda?” Did you truly savour the experiences? 

Why are you asking the world to get back to normal? Or even wondering what the new normal will look like? What is your rush? It will take many years for this new energy to anchor and transform your world. Ask yourself why it is so important for you to be able to know when all this will end? When what will end? What exactly is it that you seek the answer for? I can say that there will come a time when your world looks nothing like it does now. There will be a time when it will be so normal to speak of Guides and Spirits and Angels. All will speak about Intuition and telepathic communication will become completely normal. It will surpass language and allow all to communicate directly with emotions and intentions. Does this excite you? I am so glad if it does. Now imagine the time, the patience and the love that will be required to get to this place. This may feel overwhelming. So, it is imperative that you only focus on your present day. Ask not when things will be different and normal. Ask what is your highest calling just for this day. One day at a time and one breath at a time. This is where you will find your normalcy. This is where you fill find your true purpose and your true calling. Right here. Right now. This is normal. And that is all.

Archangel Gabriel 

January 23, 2021


Archangel Gabriel Transmissions - Courage


Archangel Gabriel Transmissions - Self Love