Archangel Gabriel Transmissions - Courage

I love that Gabriel’s sense of humour comes through in this transmission. This is a time of great courage for all of us. Be proud of yourself for how you are dealing with your fear.

I wish to talk to you about courage. Courage as you know is not the absence of fear, but the ability to step into the fear. If fear is keeping you at bay, look to the courage of the Lion. See how he bides his time and waits. See how he stays calm and relaxed until it is time to pounce. In doing so, he is conserving his energy and readying himself for the task at hand. He is singly focused and yet alert and in the flow at the same time. Then, when the timing is right, his instincts kick in and he pounces. This is true courage. To wait. Knowing that when the time is right, you will take action no matter what your past conditioning has told you about holding back. Do not worry what other people will think or how they will react. This is not about them It is about you putting your heartmind to a task. Learning what you need to know. Going beyond your human conditioning to a true knowing of what is required from you in this moment. Then. Act. Do so whether or not you are feeling the fear. Just do it. Step in and be who you are meant to be in this very moment. When your task is complete, remember to take time to congratulate yourself. You did it. You did something that last week, month, or year you thought was impossible. Give yourself kudos. Thank your Angels and Guides, Teachers and the Universe or whatever / whomever it resonates with you with to thank. Courage comes from the heart and so does gratitude. In fact, all things that push you towards higher vibrations reside in the heart. Love yourself and love your courage. If people react with negativity, concern or scorn, know that this is an opportunity for them to truly observe what has been triggered in their life. If you in turn react to their reactions, again observe. Hmm. I wonder what is happening here? What is this here to teach me? If I spend time with my reaction, I am sure that I will discover one of two things - either it will be mine and will need to learn from it and release it, or it will be nothing and I can easily release it. 

Courage is not for the faint of heart. You cannot do it half way. Not longer will this work for you. As you begin to resonate with this higher vibration that is sweeping your planet, you will be compelled to run with your courage. Every day you will be presented with a chance to love more, be more authentically yourself, and love others as you love yourself. We are one. It is true that what you do to your self or what you do to others, you do to all. Choose to live in the highest vibration of love and let all that unfolds in life cause you wonder and curiosity. Look beyond the surface of people and situations. When something feels off to you, be an observer. Look at the situation or person and have the courage to really see with your heart. Know that you are all here learning to find your way back to love. You came here fully embraced in love. Then life happened. People, situations and experiences took you away from your true vibration of love. Now you all have the opportunity to find your way back. This is what you came here for. Have courage and follow your hearts. Live from your heart space. Clear all of your old patterns and know that they are part of your old story. Your new story is filled with courage and love. Love beyond your physical body. Love beyond all that you could ever imagine. Be of the vibration of love and courage will lead your way. Be of the vibration of love and light your way with authentic courage. Be in the moment and know you are loved and supported beyond life itself. Have faith in yourself and in this lifetime. Be courageous dear ones. Be of great courage. Be you. That is the most courageous thing you can do.

Have I mentioned courage enough??

I am filling your hearts with love and courage. Just because I needed to say it one more time.

I am Gabriel. 

January 28th 2021


Archangel Gabriel Transmissions - Listening for Guidance


Archangel Gabriel Transmissions - Staying in the Present Moment