Archangel Gabriel Transmissions - Self Love

Love of self is one of my favourite topics. In this transmission, Gabriel eloquently speaks about how love of self is not a luxury, it is instead a necessity.

I would like to speak to you about the prize. Many of you think of the prize as material things. Of living a comfortable life surrounded by comfortable things. While this is and can be helpful in life, it is not truly the prize. The prize lives within you. At the centre of your heart. It is the prize of self love. From there, all things flow. If you love yourself, you support yourself. You are the kindest to yourself. You stop your brain when it runs away with thoughts that do not serve you. You know at a very cellular level, that you are in charge of your thoughts. That you determine your thoughts, actions, beliefs and values. You know that no matter what you have been led to believe you alone are in charge of your reality. You make decisions based on what is best for your path in every moment. This is sometimes difficult, because your think that you should put others first. As parents, you have come to know that taking care of your children’s needs and wants ultimately flows from your need to keep them safe, protected and provided with love and understanding. This flows from your path. You made the decision to have children in this life, and it is your path that teaches them ultimately how to follow their own paths. So, in rearing children, you are doing it out of self love. You are fulfilling your promise to yourself first as you fulfill your promise to your children.

Self love also has its roots in your values, your morals and your decisions. If you get into the habit of checking in with yourself before making any decisions, your decisions will be based in your heart and therefore will be guided by your highest self. What should I eat? Check in with yourself. What should I wear in order to feel my best this day? Check in with yourself. Should I go to meet this certain friend? Check in with yourself. The more that you check in, the more you recognize your guidance and the more you are living from a place of self love. Do this and your heart space will expand more and more daily. It will become second nature and all things will be smoother and more peaceful. You will easily feel your contraction of energy (your “no”) and your expansion of energy (your “yes”). Guidance, whether from Guides and Teachers, or from your Higher Self, is simple. When you receive guidance, it will be so simple, that you will act on it easily and wordlessly. Give a little thanks and move on with your day. 

Self love is your prize. From here, all things flow with ease. See and feel all with your heart. You are in charge. Place this idea in your heart a million times a day until it becomes natural.

I wish you much self love. More than you can possibly know.


January 6th, 2021


Archangel Gabriel Transmissions - Staying in the Present Moment


Archangel Gabriel Transmissions - Longevity