Archangel Gabriel and Choices

I am so excited to share a message from Archangel Gabriel once more.

Before you read, take a few deep breaths and centre your energy in your heart.

Then say, “Thank you Angels for revealing to me what I need to know in this moment”

A message from Archangel Gabriel.

I am the one who speaks. Who brings messages of great importance to herald a new way of being, thinking and doing.

Dear ones. Be ever so proud of yourselves. The times you live in are not easy. In fact, they are very tricky and it is so easy to succumb to the narrative of fear and disempowerment. You have been through the shock. You have been through the restrictions. And in that time, you have discovered how to go within and live from your inner most wants and needs. You have also discovered how to connect with your spiritual team. 

Now comes the time when you realize that no matter what is happening externally, you have the ability to choose how you react. You are not powerless. In fact, you are more powerful than ever because you understand that your truth comes from within. You understand that your worth comes from within. You understand that your support comes from within.

You no longer look to other to make decisions for you. You no longer look to others for their opinions. Instead, you see others as a reflection of who you are and what you are desiring to grow in your life.

Let me give you an example. Your friend has done the work and is now completely in love with who she is. This makes you a tad jealous because you always used to commiserate with this friend by judging others and yourselves. Now, your friend is no longer interested in these behaviours. It makes you miss the way things used to be and a bit perturbed that your friend will no longer engage. It used to be “fun” to tear others and yourselves down. 

Now truly look at what is happening inside you. You get it. You see the example that your friend is setting, that your jealousy and nostalgia is letting you know that this is the direction your heart desires to go as well. Try this, spend time with this friend and have an “aren’t you great party”. Take turns telling each other wonderful things you admire. Then turn your focus to others that you both know and talk about the things that you love about those people. Do this once and you will know how much it opens your heart and feels expansive and authentic.

This is your time dear ones. To ignite your hearts and know that you have the ability to choose. You get to choose your reactions, your emotional well being, your goals and your desires. Align with what feels right and with lights you up. Really look at things in your life and decide. Is this working for me? Could it work for me if I shifted my perception? What beliefs do I need to change in order to truly thrive in this area?

As always, if you are confused or feel blocked. Ask. Ask before bed. Write it down. Then when you wake up, write down what you remember.

Or during the day, ask for a song - go to your playlist and randomly choose a song and then listen to the lyrics. Or, pull a book off a shelf and randomly start reading a paragraph. Ask. Keep asking. Go deeper. We will always answer. If the guidance you receive is not clear, ask for it to be more clear. You can not over ask. 

It may not seem like it, and yet this is an exciting time for so many of you. Believe in your power and your magic. Allow guidance and act on it. Shift your limited thinking into expansive feeling. What if your experience this year could be better and more magical than you could possibly imagine? What if you could know without doubt that your path is wonderful and beautiful. What if you could simply let go and trust? Open your heart and relax? Let life be simple and flow with grace? What if?

I will leave you with this notion. Be brave of heart for it is the only way to be true to who you are and what you have come here to accomplish. 

I am Gabriel and I wish you much love, joy and expansiveness. Go beyond yourself and be authentic.

January 4th, 2021

If you are interested in booking a session with Laurie to receive Intuitive Guidance and Energetic Healing, click the link below.


Peace Within


Growing Weary with the Marions