Peace Within

The answers are within. It is so simple, and yet our minds make it so complex. In order to find those answers, we must allow moments of quiet. Of stillness. Of peace. Little moments is all it takes. Find a quiet place without any distractions. Turn off the outside world. Breathe. Allow the peace within to grow; the still point. It is here where you will feel the whispers of your spirit and hear the guidance that you seek. It is a practice. One that you must continue to do daily. Start with once a day and then build to three times a day. It does not have to be long. Start with three minutes. Once you find that still point and start to tune into the peace and guidance, you will find yourself called to find stillness more and more often. 

In the moments where upset arises, allow it. Pushing it down, ignoring it, diverting your attention or leaning into some form of , “at least…..” Or, “it could have been worse” traps the energy and will create blockages. Feel it. Allow it. Do you think you have these emotions for no reason? They are a catalyst. They allow your blood to flow and your thoughts to clear. Once the upset has passed, breathe and find your peace. Ask for the discovery and expansion in the upset. There is always a discovery and an expansion. An A-HAH moment.  

Cultivate this practice of peace and soon you will find yourself receiving more and more messages. They have always been there for you, you will now be open to receiving them. The messages will come with more clarity and more impact. Embrace this. You are ready. 

Peace I give you. I give you peace. 

Try it out and discover the benefits for you and for how you show up in this world. 

Channeled by Laurie Parente

Feb 28th, 2022


Who do you Think you are?


Archangel Gabriel and Choices