Growing Weary with the Marions

I was delighted to once again channel the Marions. Below you will find their message about this time we find ourselves in today.

We are the Marions

Many of you grow tired. You are weary of the current state of your world. There is a wanting of this time to be done. For the world to go back to normal. As difficult as it is, this time now is normal. Every day a new normal begins. It is a messy time. There is a complete new way of being and existing being birthed into this world.

It is understandable that you are tired. Before this all began, you lived lives where comforts came quite quickly. In this time, there has been an extended period of discomfort. Believe us as we say that this discomfort is here for you. To grow you. To have you realize that it is all happening through you and for you; not to you.

When you believe that things are happening to you, you are buying into victim mentality. Yes, shit happens. Yes, deep wounds and scars have occurred during this time. And yet, here is what is most important. These things happened for you. This whole lifetime is an opportunity for your growth and expansion. This life is happening through you and for you. 

Take stock in this moment right now. Look at where you were five years ago; where you were in the understanding of your own soul.  Have you become more conscious of the way that you live? The way that you breathe, and think and feel? Do you have a higher understanding of how you operate within the world? How you react and how you respond to people, situations and your own behaviours? Now, take credit for this growth. Be proud of yourself. When you keep yearning for something new to happen or for change to come, you are ignoring all that has already occurred; all of the soul growth that has brought you to today. Sit down and write out all that you have accomplished for yourself on an understanding and consciousness level. Allow yourself to be surprised by how far you have travelled and how much you have discovered. Be proud of yourself! Celebrate yourself. Buy yourself a treat or take yourself on an adventure as a means of thanking yourself for all of your hard work. We understand that it is hard work. It is not easy. It is in the difficulties that you truly find your mettle. 

Now be in this moment. Becoming conscious of who you are in this moment does not require anything more than you just being in this moment. You don’t need to do anything. Just be one with who you are right now. Sit in that still point and believe in your own power. Own your light. There is no one like you. You came here to shine. Other people’s opinions are not relevant. What is relevant is how you speak to yourself. Repeat this. I am ok. I am wonderful. It is safe to be who I am. 

Spend time with your breath. Find a breathing technique that works for you. Do this often. It doesn’t not need to be for long periods of time. A minute will do. As you do it more and more, you will begin to feel the stillness. You will recognize the feeling of calm and peace; your centre - the feeling of oneness with your higher self. Once you know this feeling, you will be able to conjure it when you are faced with difficult conversations, people or situations. Conjure the calmness and peace. Observe what is happening. Breathe. And then respond with love and compassion. Notice the difference that this love and compassion brings to situations. See the change and feel how charged emotions dissipate. This is now your new story. You will become the one that puts others at ease and you will know your power to shine your light. 

Be well. Be love. Be light. 

We are the Marions and we delight in this time of conversation. 

Dec 7th, 2021

Channeled by 

Laurie Parente

If you are interested in experiencing a personal appointment with Laurie to receive Intuitive Guidance and Healing, please click below. Thank you.


Archangel Gabriel and Choices


Clarity with the Marions