Archangel Gabriel - Determination


I would like you to consider determination. You have been taught that determination is “sticking to your guns” or “I will go down fighting for this” or “if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything”. Do any of those sound joyful or even fun? Do they take into consideration anyone other than your self? Or do they sound antiquated and stifling?

I would like you to consider changing the use of this word. What if, instead, you were determined to follow your heart. What if, you made the conscious choice to be determined to sink in, ask for guidance and follow whatever comes up? Even if it doesn’t make any sense to you at the time? What if determination became about following love? What if you set the intention right now to allow determination to be a guided concept? Breathe deeply and know that this is the right course of action. Say it with me, I am determined to stay present and to know that I am guided moment by moment and I consciously choose to follow this guidance. 

Now, that is determination at it’s finest.

I am Gabriel. Be determined of heart.

April 10, 2021. 


Archangel Gabriel - Space


Archangel Gabriel - Emotions