Archangel Gabriel - Space

I would like to talk to you about the need for space. This includes space within your physical form and space in your environment. I would challenge you to know that all of you are introverted to some extent and need space to process and be with your lives.

Internal space is found through meditation, prayer and visualization. Try this. Go on a vacation - a restful one - in your mind. Laurie will always head to the beach every chance she gets so I will use this as an example.  Go to the beach and engage all five of your senses. See the scene, smell the salt air, feel the breeze, touch the sand and hear the waves. Spend time here. Notice the space - or expansiveness - that resides in your body. Now is a good time to offer thanks and to daydream. Let yourself get away from your incessant over thinking. Just be in the moment of your mind vacation. 

Create space in your home. A place where you feel entered and relaxed. It doesn’t have to be a big space. Just a space that is yours where you can breathe, relax and just be with yourself in quiet and calm.

Create space in your relationships. Understand where space is needed and give that space lovingly. Receive space from other people. Know that when someone backs away or isn’t in touch that it isn’t about you. Give them space. 

Create space with nature. Spend time with the physical world and know that as you create space for your true essence with nature, you are nourishing all that is. 

To give and receive space in all areas of your life is to know your worth and your worthiness for receiving. It is all encompassing for all of you. You give and receive with equal measure. 

I am Gabriel. I lovingly give you space to absorb this message. 

April 10th, 2021


Archangel Zadkiel and Freedom


Archangel Gabriel - Determination