Archangel Gabriel - Emotions

I am Gabriel. I am the one who brings messages of great tidings. I am also the one who helps you to clarify what you are feeling. Your emotions are meant to be felt. They are for you. They happen for you. Spend time with them. Think about them. Process them. Understand their purpose and then let them go. Thank them for coming into your awareness and teaching you. They serve the purpose of informing you of your next steps.

Let me use and example. You have had a long day. Many things have happened that have challenged you. You are on your way home and you are looking forward to time spent with your family or time spent with yourself in quiet and relaxation - or both. Suddenly, you feel overwhelmingly angry. Observe this feeling. See how this feeling is causing your body to react with physiological symptoms. Perhaps you are sweating, or your jaw is clenched. Perhaps you are feeling antsy and want to pace. Observe your reactions. Now. Take some time with this emotion. Where did it come from? Oh…right…That person who stepped on the elevator and gave you a very angry vibe. At the time, you were about to head into a meeting. You didn’t have time to fully process it. So now, as you are free from your work day, you feel it. You feel  the anger. Ahah. Thank you anger for teaching me that I need to process you. Even if it is hours after the event that triggered it. Thank you person in elevator for teaching me this. I lovingly release this anger and the any cords that bind me to the situation. Breathe deeply. Feel the emotion leave your body and return yourself to love. 

This way of observing your emotions is a technique that will increase in its efficacy. It is like a muscle that you build. In time, you will know your triggers, understand how you react, learn and return yourself to neutral very quickly. 

I am Gabriel. Feel it all my dears. Even when you don’t have time in the moment.

April 10th, 2021.


Archangel Gabriel - Determination


Archangel Jophiel - Doubt