Archangel Jophiel - Doubt

Archangel Jophiel can help us to have confidence that even doubt is here to teach us.

Is there beauty in every emotion? Yes. I would like to speak about doubt. Doubt is a wonderful tool in your world. Let us speak specifically about self-doubt. When you doubt that you are good enough, capable enough, worthy enough etc., what happens in your body? Remember that your body is like a compass for your soul. Your body will always speak to you and let you know when you should pay attention to your emotions. Doubt causes us to pause and reflect. Can I really do this? Get centred. Ask that question in your heart. Can I do this? Is this what I should be focused on? You will know in your heart right away if this is where you should be. Trust that information and go forward. You are always enough and worthy of great and wonderful things. If your heart tells you so, It is so. Trust that and go forth. 

I am Jophiel. Doubt is beautiful.

March 27th, 2021


Archangel Gabriel - Emotions


Archangel Orion - Visualization