Archangel Zadkiel and Freedom

Archangel Zadkiel works with the violet flame of transmutation. He works for the dissolution of strife and helps us to release that which no longer serves us. The following are Zadkiel’s words on finding freedom after working through anger.

I am Zadkiel and I wish to speak to you about freedom. Freedom is a place where you can get to when you are truly ready to release the anger of a situation. Many people have been taught that anger is not a “good” emotion. Truth be told, anger is a very freeing emotion when it is used correctly. Anger is your notification that something needs to be deeply attended to. Imagine that it is a text from the Universe that says, “Hold on. Slow down. You must make the time for me. I am not going away. If you ignore me, I will begin to seep into your every day thoughts and actions. I am important and I need to be heard in order for you to move forward. I am not bad. I am intense. I am here for a reason. Please take heed and spend time with me.”

Now that I have your attention, I would like to give you a tool that you can use to work with your anger so it may be highly beneficial to your growth. 

Sit quietly. Breathe. Bring yourself to your centre. When you are ready, close your eyes and imagine a ball of red light with black swirls out in front of you. See this as anger. Go deeper into this imagery and see yourself step into that ball of light. See what ever colours or swirls in this light that come to mind. Now sit down on a bench and truly feel and see all of the anger raging around you. You are safe. Breathe. Now ask the anger questions.

  1. Why are you here?

  2. What or who is this anger truly about?

  3. What is my first step on learning from this anger?

  4. What is my next step?

  5. What is my next step?

Continue the above process until you feel the lessons integrate and the anger release.

This may be something that you wish to repeat over a number of days.  You will know when you are ready to fully release. You will see or feel the colour of the ball of energy change from red to golden white light. 

Return to this anytime you wish to find freedom from a situation, person or yourself.

Anger will return whenever you are needing to explore and release. Anger is your friend. It is your sign that something big is ready to be explored. Reframe how you think about anger. It is a very powerful tool if used correctly.

Light and forgiveness to all. 


June 10th, 2021


Archangel Zadkiel on Shining Your Light


Archangel Gabriel - Space