Archangel Gabriel Transmissions - The Beauty of Life

When the third transmission came through in the first week of December, I started to feel a shift in the specific language and topics Gabriel was mentioning. For this one, the idea of anchoring yourself in the present moment as a way to manage stress and anxiety. The idea that paying attention to particular parts of our bodies can bring us into present awareness.

I want to speak about the beauty of life. There are many things right now that are making all of you feel that this is a lonely and sad time. I beg you to look for the beauty. Look for the beauty in your toes. Stretch them out and marvel at how these little bits of bone and flesh allow you to travel through your days. Have you ever truly looked at your toes and given them thanks for what they endure daily? They rarely complain and they happily do their job. They keep you upright and they allow you to follow your path. Be grateful for your toes. When all seems lost, look down and thank these little pieces of you that are undeniably integral to your life. Now use this idea everywhere. Your fingers glide across this keyboard with ease as they record my message. Be grateful for your fingers. Spend a day really noticing all that they do. Yes, the world is in a place of great tumult. Yes, you can spend your time worrying and fretting and allowing your thoughts to go to dark places. Or, you can notice. When you get to a place where your thoughts are swirling, notice your wrist. Really look at it. Notice the bones and bring your attention to the texture, colour and shape. Practice this. Stop yourself by noticing parts of your body and be grateful. This will ground you and bring you back to the present moment. This is where you need to stay. This doesn’t take long. Do it many many many times daily and keep your awareness on you and your marvellous body. Truly marvel at it and send it love and be grateful. Many of you are facing extraordinarily tough decisions, circumstances and conversations. As your mind spirals and your energies rise, remember this technique. You make it harder on yourself to enact these necessary changes in your life when you fight the ultimate truth with your ceaseless thoughts. All will be well. And in this moment, this very moment, all is well. Breathe and notice. 

(At this point a song - a hymn started going through my mind - this hymn has been with me for the last three days). 

“Be not afraid, I go before you always. Come follow me, and I will lead you home.”

This has been on your mind. You are right in thinking that this is a quote about your higher selves. Your higher self wants you to know that being afraid is not necessary. What is necessary is following your truth to lead you home. My dears, listen to your hearts. I am with you. You all know what to do. Have faith and be. 

I am Gabriel and I send more love than you can possibly imagine.  

Dec 7, 2020


Archangel Gabriel Transmissions - For those who Mourn


Archangel Gabriel Transmissions - the second