Archangel Gabriel Transmissions - For those who Mourn

I work in the world of grief. It is such an honour to journey with people when they are needing support, guidance, comfort and validation. When Gabriel came through with these words, I myself found them to be so comforting.

Here are Gabriel’s words about grief, loss and mourning. I love that there is also included a section on missing people who you have had to release from your life for various reasons.

I want to speak to those who mourn. It is difficult for you to understand how mourning is a chrysalis. It is an invitation to new life. The soul that has departed is no longer suffering, in fact, they are rejoicing as they review their time on earth. They are making decisions and learning from all that they endured and caused. Mostly, they are rejoicing with others in the spiritual realm and reviewing the love that they shared and the lessons they learned. Those who are on the other side of the veil are always with you and they send you love constantly. They are helping you in every way in this time of ascension. Truth be told, they always have helped, but now all is focused on keeping you calm and and grounded in your bodies. They are helping your to transmute your fears. Yes, mourning is the most difficult time in a human journey. It is a call to go within. We (and I mean we as a collective - it is easier for you to think of me as one entity, but in fact we are many) wish you to see the beauty in mourning times. It is a time of renewal. A time when we are truly shown our raw love. Sit with it. Be with it. Let it teach you the lessons that your soul is craving. The love for the person who has passed through the veil does not end, nor does their love for you. Instead, it is taken to another level of consciousness. You can easily access this level in meditation, in your dreams and also in writing. 

Another type of mourning is for those who still exist on the earth plane. For myriad reasons, they have moved out of your life. Perhaps it was your decision or theirs, or it was mutual. This is sometimes more difficult to accept, because you want to please. You want to go back in time to when times were new and fulfilling. It is easy to step back into old patterns. It takes great strength and conviction to let go of these relationships. There is always so much coulda, woulda, shoulda. Please know, my dear hearts, that your soul called you to let go of this person for the most important reason. That reason is your growth. What no longer serves you no longer defines you. The ultimate act of self love is to release yourself from this relationship and truly get to a place where you have a knowing deep in your bones that this is what is best for you. To release. To let go. To take the lessons learned and the love that remains and go forth to new places and experiences. When you spend your time and energy focused on the hurt in the relationship and perhaps blaming yourself for that hurt, this type of thinking holds you back. Hold on to the love. Hold on to your heart. Ask for help from those in the ethereal plane. Remember that you came here to light your light so that the light of others can begin to burn a  bit brighter. By releasing old attachments that no longer want to remain, you are adding colour back to your light. When people begin recognizing the colour in your light, they will soon see the reflection in themselves. We are all light and we all have many colours.

I want to offer a modicum of solace. You are truly never alone. It is like the stage. For everyone one person on stage, there are thirty support people working behind the scenes. Call to us constantly. Lean on us as you would that friend that you pick up the phone to call. Speak to us out-loud. Open your ears to hear and your eyes to see. Surround yourselves in all directions with our love and support. When you feel the most alone, close your eyes half way and see the light and the colours that surround you. Feel the love and know that we right by your sides. This is an exciting time that we have all prepared for and we walk with you every moment. 

I also wish to speak to those who are supporting those in mourning. The ability to go with someone into their pain is rare. And yet, not impossible. Learn to sit with people without judgement and without the need to fix anything. Learn to hold their hearts, their hands and their backs. Mourning people need time in their chrysalis and it is their own journey that is not to be disturbed. We all know what happens if you try to help a caterpillar become a butterfly. If the butterfly does not struggle to release itself, it does not survive. Mourning is a time of such renewal. There needs to be self reflection, struggle and finally release before it is once again time to fly. Keep this in mind when you speak to a person in this process. What is your role? To listen. To send love and to be present. That is all. Reflect back to them their questions and concerns if need be. Those who do this work well are worth their weight in gold. 

 I Bring you much love dear hearts.



Archangel Gabriel Transmissions - Fear


Archangel Gabriel Transmissions - The Beauty of Life