Archangel Gabriel Transmissions - Fear

In this transmission, Gabriel talks about fear; including my own fear of the validity of these writings. When I asked for something to be included that I did not understand, I later had to look up “dangling participle” and that brought me laughter. When we laugh, we are immediately taken out of our fear.

I want to talk about fear. You yourself have feared that these transmissions are not true or that they will not be helpful. You have asked me to give you words that are not your own. This is part of the human condition. The constant need for proof. I ask you to have faith that you were chosen to bring these transmissions to light because of your ability to lean into the unknown; to be curious and to follow, bringing forth what you are given in a way that will lead others to their light and higher understanding. 

Fear is like a dangling participle; it is confusing. That is because fear is necessary in your physical world. Your ego is here to protect you from harm. If you are about to step off of a sidewalk and there is a bus coming, your ego will stop you and protect you. If there is danger from a wild animal, your instincts will kick in and you will be presented with what you term fight / flight/ freeze adaptive qualities. These instances of fear are good. They are true and worthy of your attention. The problem occurs when your ego is allowed to reign your every thought, decision and action. It will always tells you that there is danger, that is the ego’s job. Is this what you want? To live in a constant state of fear? When your thoughts spiral and you perseverate on a situation, or you hold yourself back from an experience, or you stay in relationships and situations because they are comfortable - you are acting form fear. Fear is experience. It is here to teach you.

What are your options? You have been conditioned to overthink. If you are finding trouble making a decision, give it to God. Ask for signs and then heed them. You will be given as many signs as you need. You will actually be given ridiculous signs if you are not listening. We like to get creative and see how humorous we can be with signs in order to get your attention. You would call it the frying pan moment. First the tap, then the nudge, then the light smack, then the punch and finally the frying pan over the head. We don’t get frustrated, we just get more creative. 

Fear is your friend when it is necessary. When it is not, it is your teacher. Take the fear, put it in your heart and ask it to teach you. You are very good at knowing your yes and no. Teach this to others. 

Be well. Be calm, Keep learning and doing and being. Most of all, keep loving. Love yourself like you would when you feel the rush of love for a newborn babe. That innocence. Surround yourself with childlike innocence. Be curious. Be in nature. Talk to animals and lean into the wisdom of the trees. A simple blade of grass has much to teach you. A snowflake contains universal wisdom. 

Know that all is well. You are all multidimensional beings and your lives have been full of strife and tumult. In many ways, your conditioning on this planet has overwhelmed your frequencies. In volunteering to be here at this time, you knew the risks of this overwhelm. At your core, there is stillness that you can access at any time. Think of it like a treasure box. One with a golden lid that is over flowing with jewels and stones - each item representing the gifts of your soul. Choose an item and hold it in your heart whenever you feel overwhelmed.

Your ego is your companion not your ruler. Tuck it in your heart and say, “thank you for your protection. Thank you for being my saviour when I need it. Thank you for understanding that the time has now come in my life to lead with my heart and my soul. I appreciate your devotion and I ask that you continue to lead me when it is necessary. My heart now is the driver in all my decisions and intentions.” 

I am Gabriel and I send you plentiful signs of love. Do you see them?

December 12th, 2020


Archangel Gabriel Transmissions - Loneliness


Archangel Gabriel Transmissions - For those who Mourn