Archangel Gabriel Transmissions - Loneliness

In this transmission, Gabriel speaks to us about when we feel lonely. I have learned to lean into my Guides and Angels in gratitude at all times. When we do this, we know that we are surrounded with helpers who are here to support, guide and bring us to a place of healing.

I want to speak to the lonely. Loneliness is a true sign of separation consciousness. You believe you are lonely when you don’t fully embrace the notion that you are never truly alone. You all have many guides and helpers that surround you in every moment. Did you know that this is our job? That we are devoted to loving and helping you? The problem is that you have free will. If you ask for our help, we will lovingly give you what it best for you. If you don’t ask, we sit by and twiddle our thumbs. You can never over-ask. We delight in helping you. Once you get used to asking us for help, you will wonder why you spent so many years feeling lonely. You wish to wake up in joy? Go to bed asking your joy guides to smother you with joy before you awaken. You want your work to be fulfilling and full of service to others? Ask your higher self, your angels and your guides to facilitate this for you; to put things in motion that will lead you to be practicing your highest calling daily. Once you truly embrace that you are never alone, that you have unseen helpers that can pave the way for you every moment of every day, your loneliness will abate. We are here. We love to help. It is our mission. Call on us constantly and watch your life begin to flow in ways you can’t even imagine. Try it right now. We are here to support you, but you must ask. Think of a child who is hungry. A child who is not yet able to verbally communicate with words. If that child never cried, how would the parent know to feed them? Cry out to us. We know your deepest desires and your mission. When you ask us to help you align with that mission, everything will fall into place easily and wonderfully. You will be pleasantly surprised. You are truly never alone. Ask and be amazed at our ability to place you on the yellow brick road to your divine purpose. 

I am Gabriel and I love you all beyond measure.

December 17th, 2020


Archangel Gabriel Transmissions - Longevity


Archangel Gabriel Transmissions - Fear