Archangel Gabriel Transmissions - Longevity

This transmission came through just before the end of 2020. Gabriel speaks of 2020 as being a year of growth for all of us. I can certainly relate to all that is said. I also know that for many people, 2020 was a very difficult year and it is in the difficulties that we grow the most.

I want to talk to you about longevity - the long game, if you will. There is currently much being relayed about the coming of the New Year and the wish that all will be normal once again. Dear ones, it is true that your planet and its inhabitants are at the beginning of a new era. It is also true that this dawning of planetary love and awareness will take time. It will not be a quick fix. Instead, you will be taken through the process at the speed which resonates for most humans. If this process went too quickly, many would be overwhelmed by the intense frequencies and not survive.

While it may appear that things are moving slowly in the outside world, I want you who are awake to remember where you were less than one year ago. See the gifts of this time. The clarity. The peace. The non-judgement. The intuitive insight. The Joy. The gifts of your inner selves. When you forget, take yourself back to a year ago and ask - what were my priorities? What did I focus my time on? What was my internal dialogue like? How often did my head run away with worries, fears, future projections and such? Now sit back and take stock of where you are now. What gifts have you found in meditation, in prayer, in ceremony, in releasing, and in being seen by others? We are certain that it is the human tendency to forget all of the changes that have occurred. Sit down with yourself. Project yourself backwards one year. Really look at yourself - at your relationships and your emotions and even your priorities. What did you value the most? Truly look. And now see yourself as you sit here. Feel the difference in the expansion of your energy. Observe how you now speak to yourself and how you have left so many things in the arms of the past. Those lessons have been learned. By releasing those stories, you have elevated your consciousness by leaps and bounds. It is ok to remember the old stories. Isn’t is wonderful that those stories no longer define you? It is so liberating to feel like a brand new person with a brand new purpose and a brand new outlook on life. In truth, all of this has always been with you, it has just been waiting for this time on earth to come. 

Consider it as this. All of your lives up to this point have been full of rich experiences. Some you would call good and others bad. It is the human tendency to focus on the bad. To ruminate and to live those moments over and over until your tears are wrung dry. In truth, the good always far outweighed the bad. The good was always in the simple moments and those were  always plentiful. You were not taught to focus on these moments. Think now of the miracles that occur every day merely to get you out of bed and breathe for the day; every moment of life is a miracle in itself. 

As we move forward with this planned ascension time, be aware that there will be a fundamental shift in all areas of life. This will cause things to look like they are falling apart. After the year that you have all had, you know the power of change. You are aware of just how much change can occur within yourselves in a relatively short time. You have woken up to your truths. As you observe and help to elevate all the souls of this planet, always remember to stay centred in your heart and find the Joy. It is always there. 

I am Gabriel and I wish you great peace. 

December 24th, 2020


Archangel Gabriel Transmissions - Self Love


Archangel Gabriel Transmissions - Loneliness