Archangel Zadkiel on Shining Your Light

Archangel Zadkiel works with the violet flame of transmutation. He works for the dissolution of strife and helps us to release that which no longer serves us. The following are Zadkiel’s words on how we can shine our light in this time.

I am Zadkiel. The one who clears and transmutes. It is like removing cobwebs from the attic of a home while removing anything in the foundation that undermines the structure, clearing the cupboards of unnecessary items and washing away the dirt and grime from the walls all at once. In this time, this is an accelerated process. Many of you are feeling this in your entire bodies. It feels as though there is a release of the past while simultaneously a refurbishment of the present. It is unlike anything you have ever felt before. Many of you are tired, frustrated, angry and even a bit petulant. It feels like everything that has been happening in your world will never end. It is exhausting. 

Continue to do the work my friends. Twice daily, tune in and blast the world with love. Blast the world with comfort, ease, understanding, empathy, care and resilience. Start with yourself. Then your home and place of business. Extend to all of your loved ones and acquaintances Move to your neighbourhood, your city or town, your country. Move to your continent, all the continents and the world. Blast love out to all the world. Surround it in colours of joy, happiness and comfort. Then let that light beam into the universe in all of its glory.

Do this often and with the understanding that your light will join with many many other lights and continue to light the way for your planet. As you light your light, we see it and we multiply with it. We are all one and we light the light together. Continue my friends. This is a powerful practice.

Soon this time will be a memory and you will know that your light contributed to the evolution of your time. Take care of your action - the what - and the Universal consciousness will take care of the why and the how.

This is your time. Your light is not little. Let it shine shine shine.

When you do this, know that you are making the choice to evolve and grow. It is why you came and it is why you are being called to do this action now.

I wish you much blessings in the knowledge that you are worthy of your shine. 


June 29th, 2021


Clarity with the Marions


Archangel Zadkiel and Freedom