Clarity with the Marions

In the summer of 2021, I began to channel a group of ascended souls known as “The Marions”. Their message to me is that I did not need to know who they were as individuals. Instead, they wished me to focus on their message.

We are the Marions. A group of ascended souls who are here to teach during this time of consciousness shift on the earth plane. It is our mission and desire to awaken all beings to the truth of their reality; that they are divine spiritual beings living a human experience. Each of you came here specifically during this time to be part of the evolution of the human species. The human species has long been enslaved to the notion of 3D consciousness. This is the idea that all that exists is your physical reality. All that can be seen, heard, smelled, tasted or felt through the human five senses is all that exists. In this 3D reality, all beings are governed by their emotions. They are held captive by their unconscious drives and subconscious inclinations. 

There have always been what you would call mystics, shamans, witches, prophets, etc., on your planet who have spoken and written about a different reality. Even in your Bible there are many references to this reality. This reality involves the superconscious. A state of being where it is recognized that you are in fact a divine spiritual essence having a human experience. You came here willingly and with a plan. A divine soul plan or contract if you will. In this plan, you outlined that you agreed to become aware of your true reality within this lifetime. At some point, you would awaken to the fact of who you truly are. This is called the awakening or the shift to 4D consciousness.

When you awaken to this reality, you begin to shift. You begin to learn and study and go within for answers. You learn about meditation, you learn about quantum sciences, and so much more. It feels as if you cannot get enough information. You become a life long learner and do it with gusto.

As all of these concepts begin to integrate, you shift to 5D consciousness. This is the area where you live the tenets of all that you have learned. You spend time within. You listen to your intuition. You simply can’t ignore who you are. You follow what feels right for your soul as you get to know that huge part of you that does not exist within the confines of your body. You let go of generational stories and traumas, you release all that your lineage has carried - whether it be from religious, cultural or familial stories, teachings or adaptations of traits and behaviours. As all of this releases, you also heal your inner child. You in fact find ways to reparent your inner child. Once your inner child feels safe, you call back all the fragments of  your soul with a knowing that you have always been whole.

This shift takes much work and we are so proud of all that you have accomplished. Many eyes are on the earth right now and many supporters wait at bay to help you in any way that they can. You are the one who is brave enough to be here. Your soul and familial lineages surround you always. This is a group effort and they are always with you and here for you. 

Be kind to yourself and remember that you are human. You may do your best to stay with in the 5D reality of enlightened consciousness. You do your best to spread love and kindness - first of all to yourself - and then to others. For if you are not filled with love, peace, compassion and kindness, you will not be in a position to share these with others. This is your natural state of being. Ask people what they want and they will ask to be happy. What they truly want is peace and love. And a comfortability in their skin. To know that this is a temporary existence and you chose this life. This body. Your family. The people who surround you. Your career. Your purpose. You chose all of this with the intention that you would awaken to your divine essence and live from a place of love and light. That does not mean that you will not be human. You will react to people places and situations based on your past conditioning. It will happen. When it does, own your shit. If you have overstepped your boundaries with someone, apologize and send love. If you have given your power away by not holding true to your own boundaries, make things right with yourself. Then let it go. Learn and move forward with grace and ease.

When you are faced with difficult times in your life, like grief or loss or major transitions, know that this is a time to go within AND seek the support of those who are knowledgeable in the area you are struggling with. If you have difficulty going within during this time, remember to journal. Your words will be a witness to your path. As you move through this difficult time, your ability to go within will return. 

As you say, life happens. Shit will go down. That is why you are here. As you shift your focus from fear to love, you will find that you react less to people, situations and behaviours. Instead you will begin to respond. You will respond with love, light, compassion, peace and understanding. This will become the greatest gift you can give yourself and others. 

So, take good care of yourself. Feed yourself good thoughts and good food. Take notice of what you put into your body through all of your senses. What do you watch? What do you touch? What do you smell? What do you listen to? What do you taste? 

Most of all, be kind to yourself. Talk to yourself like you would your best friend or your child. Celebrate every step. Be aware of your progress. Take compliments. Say thank you and mean it. Open yourself up to receiving love and affection. When you wall yourself off, you are preventing others from giving to you. Expect great things to come your way. Know that your desires and dreams are completely yours to have and to make manifest. You are a glorious soul. Live your earth life knowing how powerful and expansive you are. This life is your playground and you are here to enjoy it. 

We are the Marions. We delight in this time of conversation. We are here to support all of you. Call upon us and then listen within for the answers you seek. It is in the asking that the answers are revealed. You are very far from alone on this journey. Never have humans had more support. Envision a multitude of helpers at your disposal at all times. You cannot call on us enough. Know that we are here for you, encouraging you and championing your growth and progress. 

With love and gratitude,

The Marions.

Channeled by Laurie Parente.

August 20th, 2021.


Growing Weary with the Marions


Archangel Zadkiel on Shining Your Light