Who do you Think you are?

Who Do You Think You Are?

This is a channeled message that came through from my spiritual team. It is about unapologetically stepping into our light while recognizing what is holding us back.

Who am I? I am a multidimensional being experiencing a human life. I chose to come here during this time to be part of the magical change happening on this planet. The 5th dimension. The Age of Aquarius. The time when we all learn to balance our heads and our hearts.

When we feel insecure, it is merely our old patterns and old beliefs coming up - they represent the breakdown before the breakthrough -when our old self - the one who lives in fight / flight / freeze tells us it is safer to stay small. “Don’t take the risk” it says…”you will get burned”.

These patterns are often generational and are inherited in our DNA just as hair and eye colour are inherited. When we recognize that our old beliefs are attempting to keep us from expanding, we see them for what they truly are. Outdated. Unnecessary. Ready to be released. And then, we experience a breakthrough. An expansion. A lightness as we remember our power.

We remember that staying small is like death by a thousand cuts. We say, “I have lived small. I have lived contained - putting on everyone else’s oxygen mask first. Looking to others for advice. Expecting others to fill my cup. Living small was torture for my soul. No more dimming my light. No more standing in the shadows. No more overthinking, second guessing or keeping myself small. I am ready to live a soul-led life”. 

What is a soul-led life? It is an inviting of that ancient part of ourselves - the self that has lived a thousand lifetimes. The one that existed before the first breath in this body and that will continue to exist after the last breath is taken in this lifetime. Some may call it our higher self, our inner guide, the divine within, or the inner temple. Whatever words are used, it is the one with all of the memories and the magic. The one that is always tapped into divine wisdom and the ancient mysteries. 

When we tap into our soul and we allow it to lead, it gives the body and the mind the ability to wait in quiet readiness for direction from the soul. And when those nudges, those whispers, those impulses or signs come, the body and mind take the grounded action steps. One step at a time. And then another and another, until the path is revealed. 

It is in saying “yes” to a soul-led life that we say to ourselves, “You matter to me. I am willing to be courageous enough to allow you to lead. I am brave. I am safe. I am ready to heal. I am ready to see all things clearly. I am willing to fully step into my light”.

We are the key holders for ourselves. We are the key holders for each other. When we unlock our light, our magic, our treasures - we unlock others. We are the way showers for those who are ready to awaken to their light. We are the way showers for each other. 

Yes, shining our bright light naturally brings up the, “Who do you think you are?”

Truly, who you are is a bright, magical, expansive, incredible, fantastic light of love and truth. It is simple, really. Be bright. It is why you are here at this moment, in this body and on this planet. This is your truth. And your light is sorely needed at this time.

Laurie Parente

April 22, 2022


Tuning in with the Marions


Peace Within